

[MSSQL, BCP] invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8"


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We will deal with the problem of "invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8" when using BCP commands in MSSQL.

🎯 Cause of error

Encoding issues for a character

ex) 0xba


🎯 Solution

When writing the bcp command, enter the -C 65001 option.

bcp "SELECT * FROM test" queryout "E:\test.csv" -S,1433 -U test -P 1234 -E -c -C 65001

If your MSSQL version is low, you won't be able to use that option.

-> Code page 65001(UTF8) does not support for SQL Server 2012 (damn..)

-> You can change the encoding in Windows Notepad.

In my experience, this is the simplest way.

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