[한국어 음성인식] Kaldi zeroth-korea run.sh stage=1 로그
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음성인식모듈로 유명한 Kaldi의 한국어버전 zeroth-korea의 run.sh stage=1 로그입니다.
정보가 너무 없다보니, 이런 사소한 로그들도 작업에 큰 도움이 되는 것을 느꼈습니다.
때문에 저도 위와 같은 포스팅을 시작하려합니다.
현재 저의 run.sh 설정상태입니다.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 | root@yhsang2-desktop:/home/yhsang2/project/kaldi/egs/zeroth_korean/s5# ./run.sh 003 106 f 003 107 m 003 108 f 003 109 f 003 110 m 003 111 f 003 113 f 003 114 m 003 115 f 003 116 m 003 117 m 003 119 f 003 120 m 003 122 f 003 123 f 003 124 m 003 125 m 003 127 f 003 128 f 003 129 m 003 130 f 003 131 f 003 133 m 003 134 f 003 135 m 003 136 f 003 138 f 003 139 m 003 140 f 003 141 f 003 142 f 003 143 m 003 144 m 003 145 m 003 146 f 003 148 m 003 150 m 003 151 f 003 152 f 003 153 f 003 154 m 003 155 f 003 156 f 003 157 m 003 158 f 003 159 f 003 160 f 003 161 m 003 162 m 003 163 m 003 164 f 003 165 m 003 166 f 003 167 m 003 168 f 003 169 f 003 170 m 003 171 f 003 172 m 003 173 f 003 174 m 003 175 f 003 176 m 003 177 f 003 178 m 003 179 f 003 180 f 003 181 f 003 182 m 003 183 f 003 184 m 003 185 m 003 186 f 003 187 m 003 188 f 003 189 f 003 190 m 003 191 f 003 192 m 003 193 f 003 194 f 003 195 f 003 196 f 003 197 m 003 198 m 003 199 f 003 200 m 003 201 f 003 202 f 003 203 f 003 204 f 003 205 f 003 206 f 003 207 m 003 208 m 003 209 f 003 210 f 003 211 f 003 212 f 003 213 f 003 214 f 003 215 f 003 216 m 003 217 f 003 218 f utils/data/get_utt2dur.sh: segments file does not exist so getting durations from wave files utils/data/get_utt2dur.sh: could not get utterance lengths from sphere-file headers, using wav-to-duration utils/data/get_utt2dur.sh: computed data/train_data_01/utt2dur utils/validate_data_dir.sh: Successfully validated data-directory data/train_data_01 local/data_prep.sh: successfully prepared data in data/train_data_01 003 104 m 003 105 f 003 112 m 003 118 m 003 121 f 003 126 f 003 132 f 003 137 f 003 147 f 003 149 m utils/data/get_utt2dur.sh: segments file does not exist so getting durations from wave files utils/data/get_utt2dur.sh: could not get utterance lengths from sphere-file headers, using wav-to-duration utils/data/get_utt2dur.sh: computed data/test_data_01/utt2dur utils/validate_data_dir.sh: Successfully validated data-directory data/test_data_01 local/data_prep.sh: successfully prepared data in data/test_data_01 Re-segment transcripts: data/train_data_01/text -------------------------------------------- Loading model from 'data/local/lm/zeroth_morfessor.seg'... Done. No training data files specified. Segmenting test data... Reading corpus from '-'... ................................Done. Done. Re-segment transcripts: data/test_data_01/text -------------------------------------------- Loading model from 'data/local/lm/zeroth_morfessor.seg'... Done. No training data files specified. Segmenting test data... Reading corpus from '-'... Done. Done. Preparing phone lists and clustering questions 2 silence phones saved to: data/local/dict_nosp/silence_phones.txt 1 optional silence saved to: data/local/dict_nosp/optional_silence.txt 40 non-silence phones saved to: data/local/dict_nosp/nonsilence_phones.txt 3 extra triphone clustering-related questions saved to: data/local/dict_nosp/extra_questions.txt Lexicon text file saved as: data/local/dict_nosp/lexicon.txt utils/prepare_lang.sh data/local/dict_nosp data/local/lang_tmp_nosp data/lang_nosp Checking data/local/dict_nosp/silence_phones.txt ... --> reading data/local/dict_nosp/silence_phones.txt --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> data/local/dict_nosp/silence_phones.txt is OK Checking data/local/dict_nosp/optional_silence.txt ... --> reading data/local/dict_nosp/optional_silence.txt --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> data/local/dict_nosp/optional_silence.txt is OK Checking data/local/dict_nosp/nonsilence_phones.txt ... --> reading data/local/dict_nosp/nonsilence_phones.txt --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> data/local/dict_nosp/nonsilence_phones.txt is OK Checking disjoint: silence_phones.txt, nonsilence_phones.txt --> disjoint property is OK. Checking data/local/dict_nosp/lexicon.txt --> reading data/local/dict_nosp/lexicon.txt --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> data/local/dict_nosp/lexicon.txt is OK Checking data/local/dict_nosp/lexiconp.txt --> reading data/local/dict_nosp/lexiconp.txt --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> data/local/dict_nosp/lexiconp.txt is OK Checking lexicon pair data/local/dict_nosp/lexicon.txt and data/local/dict_nosp/lexiconp.txt --> lexicon pair data/local/dict_nosp/lexicon.txt and data/local/dict_nosp/lexiconp.txt match Checking data/local/dict_nosp/extra_questions.txt ... --> reading data/local/dict_nosp/extra_questions.txt --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> data/local/dict_nosp/extra_questions.txt is OK --> SUCCESS [validating dictionary directory data/local/dict_nosp] fstaddselfloops data/lang_nosp/phones/wdisambig_phones.int data/lang_nosp/phones/wdisambig_words.int prepare_lang.sh: validating output directory utils/validate_lang.pl data/lang_nosp Checking existence of separator file separator file data/lang_nosp/subword_separator.txt is empty or does not exist, deal in word case. Checking data/lang_nosp/phones.txt ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> data/lang_nosp/phones.txt is OK Checking words.txt: #0 ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> data/lang_nosp/words.txt is OK Checking disjoint: silence.txt, nonsilence.txt, disambig.txt ... --> silence.txt and nonsilence.txt are disjoint --> silence.txt and disambig.txt are disjoint --> disambig.txt and nonsilence.txt are disjoint --> disjoint property is OK Checking sumation: silence.txt, nonsilence.txt, disambig.txt ... --> found no unexplainable phones in phones.txt Checking data/lang_nosp/phones/context_indep.{txt, int, csl} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 10 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp/phones/context_indep.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/context_indep.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp/phones/context_indep.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/context_indep.csl corresponds to data/lang_nosp/phones/context_indep.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/context_indep.{txt, int, csl} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp/phones/nonsilence.{txt, int, csl} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 184 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp/phones/nonsilence.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/nonsilence.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp/phones/nonsilence.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/nonsilence.csl corresponds to data/lang_nosp/phones/nonsilence.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/nonsilence.{txt, int, csl} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp/phones/silence.{txt, int, csl} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 10 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp/phones/silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/silence.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp/phones/silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/silence.csl corresponds to data/lang_nosp/phones/silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/silence.{txt, int, csl} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp/phones/optional_silence.{txt, int, csl} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 1 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp/phones/optional_silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/optional_silence.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp/phones/optional_silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/optional_silence.csl corresponds to data/lang_nosp/phones/optional_silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/optional_silence.{txt, int, csl} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp/phones/disambig.{txt, int, csl} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 22 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp/phones/disambig.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/disambig.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp/phones/disambig.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/disambig.csl corresponds to data/lang_nosp/phones/disambig.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/disambig.{txt, int, csl} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp/phones/roots.{txt, int} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 42 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp/phones/roots.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/roots.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp/phones/roots.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/roots.{txt, int} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp/phones/sets.{txt, int} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 42 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp/phones/sets.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/sets.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp/phones/sets.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/sets.{txt, int} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp/phones/extra_questions.{txt, int} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 12 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp/phones/extra_questions.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/extra_questions.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp/phones/extra_questions.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/extra_questions.{txt, int} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp/phones/word_boundary.{txt, int} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 194 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp/phones/word_boundary.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/word_boundary.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp/phones/word_boundary.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/word_boundary.{txt, int} are OK Checking optional_silence.txt ... --> reading data/lang_nosp/phones/optional_silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/optional_silence.txt is OK Checking disambiguation symbols: #0 and #1 --> data/lang_nosp/phones/disambig.txt has "#0" and "#1" --> data/lang_nosp/phones/disambig.txt is OK Checking topo ... Checking word_boundary.txt: silence.txt, nonsilence.txt, disambig.txt ... --> data/lang_nosp/phones/word_boundary.txt doesn't include disambiguation symbols --> data/lang_nosp/phones/word_boundary.txt is the union of nonsilence.txt and silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp/phones/word_boundary.txt is OK Checking word-level disambiguation symbols... --> data/lang_nosp/phones/wdisambig.txt exists (newer prepare_lang.sh) Checking word_boundary.int and disambig.int --> generating a 1 word/subword sequence --> resulting phone sequence from L.fst corresponds to the word sequence --> L.fst is OK --> generating a 29 word/subword sequence --> resulting phone sequence from L_disambig.fst corresponds to the word sequence --> L_disambig.fst is OK Checking data/lang_nosp/oov.{txt, int} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 1 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp/oov.txt --> data/lang_nosp/oov.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp/oov.txt --> data/lang_nosp/oov.{txt, int} are OK --> data/lang_nosp/L.fst is olabel sorted --> data/lang_nosp/L_disambig.fst is olabel sorted --> SUCCESS [validating lang directory data/lang_nosp] arpa2fst --disambig-symbol=#0 --read-symbol-table=data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/words.txt - data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/G.fst LOG (arpa2fst[5.5.380~1-0552e]:Read():arpa-file-parser.cc:94) Reading \data\ section. LOG (arpa2fst[5.5.380~1-0552e]:Read():arpa-file-parser.cc:149) Reading \1-grams: section. LOG (arpa2fst[5.5.380~1-0552e]:Read():arpa-file-parser.cc:149) Reading \2-grams: section. LOG (arpa2fst[5.5.380~1-0552e]:Read():arpa-file-parser.cc:149) Reading \3-grams: section. LOG (arpa2fst[5.5.380~1-0552e]:RemoveRedundantStates():arpa-lm-compiler.cc:359) Reduced num-states from 2408875 to 432520 utils/validate_lang.pl data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall Checking existence of separator file separator file data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/subword_separator.txt is empty or does not exist, deal in word case. Checking data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones.txt ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones.txt is OK Checking words.txt: #0 ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/words.txt is OK Checking disjoint: silence.txt, nonsilence.txt, disambig.txt ... --> silence.txt and nonsilence.txt are disjoint --> silence.txt and disambig.txt are disjoint --> disambig.txt and nonsilence.txt are disjoint --> disjoint property is OK Checking sumation: silence.txt, nonsilence.txt, disambig.txt ... --> found no unexplainable phones in phones.txt Checking data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/context_indep.{txt, int, csl} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 10 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/context_indep.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/context_indep.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/context_indep.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/context_indep.csl corresponds to data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/context_indep.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/context_indep.{txt, int, csl} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/nonsilence.{txt, int, csl} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 184 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/nonsilence.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/nonsilence.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/nonsilence.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/nonsilence.csl corresponds to data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/nonsilence.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/nonsilence.{txt, int, csl} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/silence.{txt, int, csl} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 10 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/silence.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/silence.csl corresponds to data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/silence.{txt, int, csl} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/optional_silence.{txt, int, csl} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 1 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/optional_silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/optional_silence.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/optional_silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/optional_silence.csl corresponds to data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/optional_silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/optional_silence.{txt, int, csl} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/disambig.{txt, int, csl} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 22 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/disambig.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/disambig.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/disambig.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/disambig.csl corresponds to data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/disambig.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/disambig.{txt, int, csl} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/roots.{txt, int} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 42 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/roots.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/roots.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/roots.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/roots.{txt, int} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/sets.{txt, int} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 42 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/sets.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/sets.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/sets.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/sets.{txt, int} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/extra_questions.{txt, int} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 12 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/extra_questions.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/extra_questions.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/extra_questions.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/extra_questions.{txt, int} are OK Checking data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/word_boundary.{txt, int} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 194 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/word_boundary.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/word_boundary.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/word_boundary.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/word_boundary.{txt, int} are OK Checking optional_silence.txt ... --> reading data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/optional_silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/optional_silence.txt is OK Checking disambiguation symbols: #0 and #1 --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/disambig.txt has "#0" and "#1" --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/disambig.txt is OK Checking topo ... Checking word_boundary.txt: silence.txt, nonsilence.txt, disambig.txt ... --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/word_boundary.txt doesn't include disambiguation symbols --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/word_boundary.txt is the union of nonsilence.txt and silence.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/word_boundary.txt is OK Checking word-level disambiguation symbols... --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/phones/wdisambig.txt exists (newer prepare_lang.sh) Checking word_boundary.int and disambig.int --> generating a 61 word/subword sequence --> resulting phone sequence from L.fst corresponds to the word sequence --> L.fst is OK --> generating a 92 word/subword sequence --> resulting phone sequence from L_disambig.fst corresponds to the word sequence --> L_disambig.fst is OK Checking data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/oov.{txt, int} ... --> text seems to be UTF-8 or ASCII, checking whitespaces --> text contains only allowed whitespaces --> 1 entry/entries in data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/oov.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/oov.int corresponds to data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/oov.txt --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/oov.{txt, int} are OK --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/L.fst is olabel sorted --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/L_disambig.fst is olabel sorted --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/G.fst is ilabel sorted --> data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/G.fst has 432520 states --> utils/lang/check_g_properties.pl successfully validated data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall/G.fst --> utils/lang/check_g_properties.pl succeeded. --> SUCCESS [validating lang directory data/lang_nosp_test_tgsmall] Succeeded in formatting data. arpa-to-const-arpa --bos-symbol=503350 --eos-symbol=503351 --unk-symbol=11 'gunzip -c data/local/lm/zeroth.lm.tg.arpa.gz | utils/map_arpa_lm.pl data/lang_nosp_test_tglarge/words.txt|' data/lang_nosp_test_tglarge/G.carpa LOG (arpa-to-const-arpa[5.5.380~1-0552e]:BuildConstArpaLm():const-arpa-lm.cc:1078) Reading gunzip -c data/local/lm/zeroth.lm.tg.arpa.gz | utils/map_arpa_lm.pl data/lang_nosp_test_tglarge/words.txt| utils/map_arpa_lm.pl: Processing "\data\" utils/map_arpa_lm.pl: Processing "\1-grams:\" LOG (arpa-to-const-arpa[5.5.380~1-0552e]:Read():arpa-file-parser.cc:94) Reading \data\ section. LOG (arpa-to-const-arpa[5.5.380~1-0552e]:Read():arpa-file-parser.cc:149) Reading \1-grams: section. utils/map_arpa_lm.pl: Processing "\2-grams:\" LOG (arpa-to-const-arpa[5.5.380~1-0552e]:Read():arpa-file-parser.cc:149) Reading \2-grams: section. utils/build_const_arpa_lm.sh: line 47: 8813 Killed arpa-to-const-arpa --bos-symbol=$bos --eos-symbol=$eos --unk-symbol=$unk "gunzip -c $arpa_lm | utils/map_arpa_lm.pl $new_lang/words.txt|" $new_lang/G.carpa root@yhsang2-desktop:/home/yhsang2/project/kaldi/egs/zeroth_korean/s5# | cs |
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